Chemrite® HSMC
High Strength Medium Cure Epoxy Grout
CHEMRITE® HSMC epoxy grout is a high strength, pumpable grout reaching high structural strengths. It comprises of a three part mix that is combined to a flowable, self-levelling compound.
CHEMRITE® HSMC epoxy grout offers excellent structural properties, most of which far exceed those of any cementitious product. It is non-shrink and can easily be pumped great lengths, even under water.
CHEMRITE® HSMC epoxy grout develops high early strengths. After 24 hrs (25 °C), it will develop approximately 70% of its ultimate values.
Superior Fatigue strength - CHEMRITE® HSMC epoxy grout offers excellent fatigue strength when compared to any cementitious system. Due to its high static strength, it can offer fatigue strengths up to 10 times that of normal concrete.
High Tensile strength - CHEMRITE® HSMC epoxy grout offers a significantly higher tensile strength when compared to cementitious systems.
Key Attributes
High strength
Underwater grout
Excellent adhesion
Excellent chemical resistance
Typical Applications
Heavy duty grouting
Grouting where high impact is expected
Underwater grouting
Grout high heavy duty supports
Rail grouting
Wharf or ship loading grouting
Pile grouting
General concrete repairs
Contact CHEMRITE® Technologies for packaging sizes.