Chemrite® CILV
Crack Injection Epoxy
CHEMRITE® CILV is a low viscosity epoxy injection system used to repair cracks in concrete structures to prevent water and air from reaching the steel reinforcing. It is also used to seal small gaps between It can be used in high or low pressure applications and it is suitable for filling cracks/gaps down to 0.2 mm at the surface.
• Deep penetrating
• Bonds to damp concrete
• Excellent chemical resistance
Key Attributes
Low viscosity – provides deeper penetration and improved adhesion
Cost effective – low viscosity allows for easy installation
Easy to use – CHEMRITE® CILV system includes items required to carry out repair
High early strengths
Typical Applications
CHEMRITE® CILV can be used in low or high pressure applications. Typical crack injection applications include:
Structural componentsï‚·
Tunnel linings
ï‚·Water retaining structures
ï‚·Fractured concrete bases
ï‚·Bridge decks
ï‚·Concrete Piles
ï‚·Concrete columns
CHEMRITE® CILV is also packaged in 3, 15 and 30 litre kits.
CHEMRITE® CILV has been approved by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main roads as a conforming product for concrete element repairs.