The Chemrite Technologies cementitious grouts are high strength grouts used for high strength grout filling or pumping. The addition of specialised admixtures coupled with the cement strong mix, makes it and easy to use, workable high strength grout. Grout A002 is a pumpable grout with can easily be pumped with most concrete of mortar pumps. Both A001 and A002 are versatile and due to their amazing 28 day strength they can be used for many applications from fixing bolts to bedding heavy machinery in demanding circumstances.
The A001 and A002 grouts are in 20 Kg bags. With the addition of 4.4 litres of water, each bag will yield approximately 12 litres of high strength grout.
Key Attributes
High early strength
High 28 day strengths
Non corrosive to steel or iron
Good flow characteristics – A002 is excellent for pumping
Adjustable consistency
Good impact and vibration resistance
Aggregate can be added to A001 to increase yield
Typical Applications
Concrete repair work
Underwater grouting
Anchor bolts
Bedding Machinery
Crane rail soleplates
Bridge bearing pads
Concrete structures
Pre-cast concrete sections
Cavities, gaps and recesses.